About Monal
Monal is developed and maintained by Anurodh Pokharel in Boston. He can be reached at . Monal is written completely from scratch in Cocoa and does not use any libraries for the XMPP or TOC protocol implementations. Amul Pokharel helps perform QA tests. The wonderful Monal icon was created by Ayush Pokharel. He was also very helpful in the development of this site.
The Adium Stockholm theme used for chat windows was developed by Matthew Bice and is used with his permission.
Certain UI elements are based on free work by MediaLoot. In addition icons are from Joseph Wain‘s excellent Glyphish Pro set. Free icons are used under the creative commons attribution license
The Jingle VOIP functions use JRTPlib by Jori Liesenborgs for RTP. VOIP wouldn’t have been possible without it.
Special thanks also goes to members of the WebEx Developer Program at Cisco, who were incredibly helpful setting up accounts to test compatibility. The WebEx support would not have been possible without them.
Adium was the inspiration for this program and it’s debug output log was used very heavily when initially studying XMPP.
Icons in older versions of Monal are based on licenced under the LGPL.